1010 Vienna, Fütterergasse 1 +43699 108 15 945

Schulz Archetype Music

Maßgeschneiderte Kompositionen

Unsere bahnbrechenden Methode verbindet die Welt der Musik mit den Archetypen von C. G. Jung. 

  1. maßgeschneiderte Firmenkompositionen
    der Klang Ihres Unternehmens.
  2. Individuelle Kompositionen für Einzelpersonen –
    Ihre persönliche Note

    Als Basis für diese Kompositionen dient das Ergebnis des musikalischen Persönlichkeitstests, den Emanuel Schulz entwickelt hat, um den genauen Charakter einer Firma oder einer Person zu identifizieren.


  1. Firmenseminare: Die von Emanuel Schulz entwickelte Archetypen Musik Methode bildet auch die Grundlage für Firmenseminare zu den Themen Teambuilding, Leadership und Stressmanagement. Schulz Archetype Music verbindet die Welt der Musik mit den Archetypen von C. G. Jung.
  2. Gesundheitsseminare: Seminare zu den Themen „Heilsame Musik“, „Mozart Effekt“,“Stressmanagement“,“Indische Musiktherapie“ machten sie u.a. an folgenden Gesundheitszentren: Goldenes Kreuz Privatklinik, St. Josef Spital, Unum Institut Wien, Wellnesshotel Stanglwirt Kitzbühel,
    Festival „Allegro Vivo“.

Musikalischer Persönlichkeitstest

Unser Team

Der Wiener Komponist und Dirigent Emanuel Schulz hat Konzerte im Wiener Musikverein, in der Tokyo Opera City und in der Wiener Staatsoper dirigiert. Kompositionsaufträge erhielt er von den Wiener Philharmonikern und den Wiener Sängerknaben sowie von internationalen Unternehmen und Marken wie Hirsch Armbänder und Starwood Luxury Collection. Seit 2003 ist er künstlerischer Leiter von Mozart Schloss Stuppach. Die Entschlüsselung der geheimen Codes in Mozarts Musik war eines der Schlüsselelemente bei der Entwicklung der Schulz Archetype Music. Die Sängerin und Musikenergetikerin Elisabeth Schulz, hat sich auf indische Musiktherapie spezialisiert und macht gemeinsam mit Emanuel Schulz Gesundheitsseminare an diversen Gesundheitszentren.

Schulz Archetype Music

Consultations & Compositions

Seminars and Consultations

Musical Personality Test

Archetype Experience

Recognising the inner archetypes enhances self-esteem, self-confidence and the respect for others. Therefore, it is the perfect tool for team or group seminars of any kind. The musical personality test reveals your strongest archetypes and can answer questions concerning your present life situation. You will learn fascinating secrets about your innermost being and receive a task for your present life situation.

The Sound of your Company

Archetype Signature Music

Corporate Music

"Unlock your brand's unique sound with the power of custom-tailored music to expand your audience and increase customer identification." Through the Musical Personality Test Emanuel Schulz finds out the strongest archetypes of your company and composes an exclusive tailor-made corporate signature music.

Your Personal Note

The Sound of your Personality

The unique Sound of your Personality

Your personal tailor-made composition strengthens your wellbeing, self-confidence, self-esteem and self-respect. It supports your strongest qualities and compensates your weaknesses. Furthermore, it increases your energy level and gives relief from emotional and physical anxiety.

Schulz Archetype Music

Finest Bespoke Music Creations

“The musical personality test and a conversation about the client's musical preferences give Emanuel Schulz enough material to create a piece of music that couldn't be more tailor-made.”

ORF – Austrian National TV (Wien heute – Vienna today)

Schulz Archetype Music

Tailor-made music

Seminars & private consultations

Schulz Archetype Music

Corporate Composition - "Unleash your brand's signature sound"

„Elevate your brand with custom-made music that speaks to your audience, increasing customer identification and expanding your reach.“ This Music composition specially tailored for your company can be used for presentations, image films, advertising,  for telephone loop,…
Schulz Archetype Music

Individual Composition - "Experience your personal note"

„The musical equivalent of your personality. Just like the leading character in a movie, you will receive your very own theme music that will elevate your quality of life.“
Schulz Archetype Music

"Discover the strongest qualities of your employees for the benefit of your company".

Team-Building, Leadership, Stressmanagement

Corporate Seminars

Using our specially developed Musical Personality Test, you will discover your and your colleagues’ strongest personality traits (archetypes). The group exercises that follow the test will help the team to better understand the qualities of each of its members. It’s a fun and interesting way to explore the group dynamic and use the differences to make cooperation within the team smooth and efficient.The orchestra and its conductor stand as role models for the team and the team-leaders.
Schulz Archetype Music

Health Seminars

Feelharmony - Healing Music

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” World Health Organization (WHO)

Feelharmony is a new method combining indian music therapy with western harmonies, that has a particularly healing effect on the nervous system, on the psyche and on the subtle system, which underlies our wellbeing and health. Harmonic sounds influence the limbic system, where pain sensations and emotions are formed. Selected harmonic sounds stimulate the release of beta-endorphins, which repress these negative sensations. 
"If only the whole world could feel the power of harmony"

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Musical Personality Test

Self-Discovery through Music

Schulz Archetype Music

Personal Consultation -

"Find out more about yourself and your unknown potential"

your self-esteem, recognise your unconscious qualities and get your personal life mission by taking the musical personality test. For the first time, specific newly composed music is used to analyse the personality of individuals. Learn how to achieve your goals and solve your problems by uncovering the secret of your inner archetypes.  Improve your personal life situation and find out what task lies ahead of you.  You will receive music and affirmations specially fine-tuned for you to improve your wellbeing and overcome your challenges in life.


News & Offers

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart.

Please contact us for further information and appointments

+43 699 108 15 945

Phone & wattsapp

Schulz Archetype Music

Bespoke Music & Consultations